Office routine 👩🏫
I always struggle in waking up in the morning. Although when I was in school, I used to go at 7 am.
After 12 years of school, I still want that wake up in the morning is not my cup of tea.
I used to see motivational videos to wake up😅
But Now I am at this age where I dont have the option to be late anywhere.
Sometimes, I think why cant we all decide our own working hours just like bussiness for example My bussiness hours is 10am -1 pm😅.
But I know this isnt possible. Sad reality😭.
What works for me?
- I always make a journal that basically have my top 4 priorites. And I just think about those whole day. It gives me goal and my body then follows it to complete. I generally make the jounal on the weekend.
- I give my self treat like Belgium waffle 😎 at the end of the week if I complete all my tasks.
- I do shopping every month if my major goal of month is achived. Souds interesting😍😛
You need to figure out what works for you. But figure out soon😋. So that your life dont pass in thinking. Be open to accept your flaws and make plan accordingly so that you can acheive it.